Letter From the Editors-in-Chief

Volume 20 • June 2019


Dear Readers of OJHMS,

It is our pleasure to present to you this TWENTIETH edition of the Orthopaedic Journal at Harvard Medical School (OJHMS). We are proud to dedicate this year’s Journal to Dr. Mark C. Gebhardt - Chief of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and world renowned orthopaedic oncologist who has dedicated his entire professional career to the Harvard orthopaedic surgery community, including the education of generations of residents. His expert ability to teach the complexities of musculoskeletal pathology has touched all Harvard orthopaedic residents at some point on a Friday morning!

OJHMS, Editors-in-Chief, S. Mohammed Karim, MD and Stella J. Lee, MDWe stand on the shoulders of our predecessors who conceived this resident-produced journal in the late 1990s and those who recently brought OJHMS to its current annual print and online format just a few years ago. Our editorial process has become streamlined, and we are now proud to be accepting submissions for online publication year round.

This year, Dr. Jay M. Zampini stepped up to the role of Staff Editor-in-Chief with fresh ideas to improve the quality of this journal. We have published several invited review articles, including one from our radiology colleagues on percutaneous vertebral augmentation. Our selection also includes a review article on the emergency management of common orthopaedic injuries. We hope to produce a series of articles that will be fundamental reading material for the junior orthopaedic resident. As in the past few editions, we present a roundtable discussion on the relationship between orthopaedic education and the medical device industry. Our vision for OJHMS is a forum for thought-provoking-- and sometimes controversial--discussions.

We would like to thank all the members of our entire editorial staff, especially our Managing Editors, Dr. Caleb M. Yeung and Dr. Derek S. Stenquist, for their tireless work in helping to produce this journal. We must also acknowledge our extraordinary medical illustrator, Ms. Nicole Wolf, for the beautiful journal cover and attention to detail throughout the production process. We are indebted to the mentorship and guidance of Staff Editor-in-Chief Dr. Jay M. Zampini and Staff Managing Editor Dr. Joseph P. DeAngelis for their continued support at the faculty level for our endeavors. Thank you to the Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency Program (HCORP) Executive Committee, faculty, and alumni for your support and contributions to the Journal. Last, but not least, we are grateful for our readers and our colleagues across the country who have submitted manuscripts.

It has been a wonderful experience to work on the Journal throughout our time at HCORP, and it has been an honor to serve as Editors-in-Chief. We always welcome your feedback and involvement with the Journal, so do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you enjoy reading this edition!


S. Mohammed Karim, MD
Stella J. Lee, MD