Bryce T. Gillespie, MD & Jeremy T. Smith, MD
HCORP Journal Club is monthly gathering of residents
and attendings to discuss the latest in orthopaedic surgery
research. We predominantly discuss articles from the Journal
of Bone and Joint Surgery, but when musculoskeletal studies
are published in other journals, such as the New England
Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical
Association, we also review them. Residents review and
summarize the articles and then further discussion ensues.
Attendings are invited to participate and the experience and
knowledge they add to the discussion is greatly appreciated.
TWe have switched from Wednesday to Monday evenings
this year and the resident coordinating duties transitioned
from Nicole Fetter (PGY5) to Jeremy Smith and Bryce
Gillespie (PGY4s).
Dr. James Heckman has retired from his position as the
Editor-in-Chief of JBJS. We have truly benefited from, and appreciated
his dedication to, the HCORP Journal Club over the
past several years. We hope that he continues to make guest
appearances at our meetings. And while he will no longer be
in charge of the proceedings, his insightfulness and influence
will certainly carry on in all of the residents. We thank him
for this. We also would like to thank and welcome Dr. James
Herndon who will be the next faculty advisor for the HCORP
Journal Club.