Letter from the Editor-In-Chief
It is with great pleasure that we present the 2003 edition of The Orthopaedic Journal at
Harvard Medical School. Now in its fifth year of publication. The Journal continues to provide
clinical reviews, research updates, alumni news, and personal notes from the Harvard Orthopaedic
community and beyond. A publication like ours is truly the product of many, and I wish to thank
those people who have made this year’s edition possible.
First, I would like to thank our sponsors and advertisers for their support. The generous
contributions of our alumni and corporate friends have ensured that The Journal will continue
to deliver news and insight from around the Harvard Orthopaedic community. In these times of
fiscal responsibility and economic restraint, we owe particular gratitude to those who continue to
support our research and educational efforts. I would encourage all of our readers to take note of
these people (listed on page 158) and thank them for their support.
The Harvard Orthopaedic community is comprised of many talented clinicians, scientists, and support staff. We thank them for
their contributions to this year’s edition, marvel at the breadth and depth of their work, and congratulate them on their efforts.
The Journal enjoys the guidance of Dr. James Herndon and the entire Executive Committee, and much of our success is a
tribute to their enthusiasm and support.
Finally, I wish to thank my fellow editors –Conrad Wang, Brandon Earp, Raj Ahluwalia, Jennifer Graham, and Diane Sheehan—
for their dedication, camaraderie, and hard work. I have been fortunate to work with you and wish you all the best in future
This year, The Journal is dedicated to Dr. Arthur Boland as a tribute to his enthusiasm for teaching, mentorship of residents
and fellows, academic achievements, and outstanding patient care. As both a former patient of Dr. Boland’s during my collegiate
years and a former resident on the Sports Medicine Service at MGH, I can attest to his clinical wisdom, surgical skill, and tireless
dedication to both residents and patients. Dr. Boland is worthy of our highest accolades, and I am happy that we may provide a
forum to recognize his contributions to our community.
I hope you enjoy the 2003 edition of The Orthopaedic Journal at Harvard Medical School, and thank you for your continued
support of our efforts!
Donald S. Bae, MD Editor-in-Chief